Tag: Warhammer

  • End of the Holidays

    Holidays are wrapping up, and it is back to work next week.  Scheduling wise, I am preparing to start the GURPs Warhammer campaign next week, character guidelines and details are finished, and just need confirmation from a couple of the players.  Pathfinder is back in session the week after, as the group continues their assault…

  • Zombie delays

    So I got distracted this week, and with a shorter than normal travel schedule, I ended up not working on the planned zombie horde.  Instead, I have been spending many hours working on an automated GURPs character sheet, in preparation for my January GURPs Warhammer campaign.  Will try to work on the zombies next week,…

  • GURPs Warhammer

    Been pondering my options for a new campaign for the new year, something to replace our existing Hero System Champions campaign (which has faltered and stalled out with the holidays), and have come up with an interest in a Warhammer Fantasy world setting.  However, the current version of Warhammer Fantasy is rather out of date…

  • A quiet week of procrastination

    As I posted before, I have been dealing with foot issues, and have been allowing myself to get distracted with video games.  As such, my content for this week has been minimal, and I am now way behind on the video and audio editing for the podcasts.  My foot issues are gone, which is good,…

  • Missing post

    Missed my regularly scheduled post, thanks to a series of distractions.  Most notably was playing Total War: Warhammer with my son, but I am also dealing with the tail end of a sinus infection, and the gout in my foot seems to have returned.  Overall, a rough day, though I should be thankful that at…

  • Breaking the chain

    So I haven’t been that successful continuing my ongoing chain of postings recently, after missing yesterday’s deadline yet again.  The good news is the habit is strong enough to make me realize the miss, but not strong enough to keep me from avoiding it. In truth, I have been allowing myself to get rather distracted.…

  • Warhammer FRP

    Although we haven’t played in quite a while, we are resuming our alternate gaming group this coming Sunday, and starting/continuing a campaign based on the Warhammer FRP game (second edition version).  This is not the Pathfinder Rise of the Runelords group, but actually my original group of far more experienced players. Its been a few…