Tag: Wood

  • Catapults ready for summer camp

    As a project for the Cub Scouts, for this year’s summer camp, I am constructing a pair of sling-shot style catapults for the kids.  This weekend was the final time I have to finish them, and I managed to complete all the pieces and do at least a test assembly.  The real test of course…

  • The weekend project

    Between rebuilding my FreeNAS server, editing gaming videos, traveling for work, and various other activities, my schedule is rather full these days.  The latest challenge is an ask from the Cub Scouts to build a functional set of “rubber band” style catapults for use during Day Camp this year.  Since that is rapidly approaching, and…

  • The pencil box, revisited

    As part of my ongoing efforts with videos, I recorded my recent wood working project to craft an art pencil box for the wife.  Following the project, I had several hours of footage, which I finally managed to start to tackle last night.  Audio is non-existent – the video camera mic is terrible, and I…

  • Its a…. box!

    Successful woodworking project over the weekend, crafting version 2 of the art pencil box for the wife.  This time, the construction was 100% Purpleheart, a far more exotic wood than the basic plywood and chipboard of the original.  In particular, I was challenged by a lack of jointer and planer, which made the panel glue-ups…

  • Purpleheart

    I had planned on working on version 2 of the art pencil box today, but an unusually late night last night (which I have to blame on video games), plus an early and long work outage call (which I have to blame on work) combined to kill that plan.  The wife instructed me that I…

  • No Armada this week

    Unfortunately, there is not going to be a new Star Wars Armada battle report this week, my son is off with the Boy Scouts enjoying some river rafting.  Instead, my hope is to work on version 2 of the pencil box, this time with some quality wood (thinking Mahogany).  Still pondering how I would do…

  • Woodworking Project – the pencil box

    By request of the wife, I spent some time on Saturday, while I was still recovering a bit from the illness, and finished up a project for my son’s school art class.  We had promised to create and deliver a number of basic chipboard easels, so that the teacher didn’t need to continue using cardboard…