Tag: Work

  • Back to work

    I have been rather relaxed recently, and enjoyed the last two weeks of vacation from work.  Initially, this time was set aside to go to summer camp with my sons, one session for the first week, and a second session with both during the second week.  Due to various reasons, the second week was cancelled,…

  • Motivation is lacking

    Over the last week or two, my motivation has been lacking significantly, mainly because of my “real” job during the day.  I still find this effort, as well as my podcasts and gaming activities interesting and rewarding, but when the other job wears you down and keeps you running from sun up to sun down,…

  • Troubles at work

    So I had a grand plan to start my painting miniatures series last night, and even organized, packed up, and hauled all the gear out to my location so I would be ready.  Miniature primed and ready to go, camera charged and set.  And then work develops an issue with one of my clients, with…

  • Travelling

    Travelling back and forth for work again, due to a problem with travel approvals internally in the company.  That prevents me from heading up earlier in the week, and going home later, and instead makes me need to travel up and back in the same day.  Basically, I can charge mileage without needing approval, but…