Tag: X-Wing

  • Star Wars X-Wing battle report

    In celebration of Star Wars Day, I managed to play another round of X-Wing, this time with just my son. He was flying a revised Scum list, while I had a revised Rebel squadron. Although we understood the game and it progressed much faster, the game only lasted 7 turns until my entire fleet was…

  • Supplemental Games

    No mid-week games at this time, either for our current X-Wing schedule or a renewal of the Warhammer Fantasy RPG campaign – though both are still planned. Scheduling is just interfering, and players are not available. I do want to eventually establish a routine schedule, if only for consistency, but in standard fashion life gets…

  • Star Wars X-Wing

    Its been many years, but we finally managed to get together for a round of Star Wars X-Wing, using the latest version of the rules. As usual, we opted for an overly complex mission plan, with a 4v4 battle between 4 players – 2x Rebels, 1 Scum, and 1 Empire. Add to this our general…

  • A whole new space

    Following on my acquisition of the Twilight Imperium mat, I opted to add a new Star Wars: Armada mat, using the same grippiness. This will hopefully minimize the shifting of pieces during the game, and provides an alternative graphic. The mat was purchased thru Break From Reality Games in Seattle, and (unlike the prior one)…

  • The Force is strong…

    As part of our overall move, we of course had to pack everything up, and the majority of the gaming supplies ended up in storage for quite a few months. Now that we have moved in, and most has been unpacked, I was struggling a bit with my Star Wars Armada and X-Wing collection. I…

  • Star Wars

    During this extended transition, I have continued to be active collecting and preparing for my various Star Wars games, to include Legion, Armada, and X-Wing. For Legion, beyond collecting a number of additional expansions, we have branched out into the Clone Wars expansion. Those forces are limited to just the core set thus far (the…

  • Squadron organizer

    First draft of the design for a squadron organizer for X-Wing, validating the sizing and wall structure. I am happy with these measurements, though the small holes at the top (intended for magnets) are a little too small. The rest seems to be good on the first attempt. My next stage is to work out…

  • X-Wing squadrons

    Taking a break from thinking about Pathfinder and Covid recently, to do a bit of design work. I have been looking for ways to re-organize and improve my storage for X-Wing pieces and parts, and been browsing the various sites for 3d printing options. For tokens, I am working on a design that collects them…